"Sound.num_downloads": list(),
"Sound.num_ratings": list(),
"Pack.num_sounds": list(),
"Pack.num_downloads": list(),
"User.num_sounds": list(),
"User.num_posts": list(),
// IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: on the code below we iterate multiple times on Sounds, Packs and Users tables.
// This is done in this way because due to our DB structure and the way that Django ORM works, if we annotate
// counts from different tables in a single queryset (annotations that require SQL JOINs with more than one
// table), the result we obtain is not the count that we want (see https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/10060)
// The easier solution for us is to do the queries individually for each kind of "count" that we want to
// annotate.
// Sounds
total = Sound.objects.all().count()
// Look at number of comments
for count, sound in enumerate(Sound.objects.all().annotate(real_num_comments=Count("comments")).iterator()):
real_num_comments = sound.real_num_comments
if real_num_comments != sound.num_comments:
mismatches_report["Sound.num_comments"] += 1
sound.num_comments = real_num_comments
if not options["no-changes"]:
sound.is_index_dirty = True
report_progress("Checking number of comments in %i sounds... %.2f%%", total, count)
// Look at number of rartings and average rating
for count, sound in enumerate(Sound.objects.all().annotate(
real_num_ratings=Count("ratings"), real_avg_rating=Avg("ratings__rating")).iterator()):
real_num_ratings = sound.real_num_ratings
if real_num_ratings != sound.num_ratings:
mismatches_report["Sound.num_ratings"] += 1
sound.num_ratings = real_num_ratings
sound.avg_rating = sound.real_avg_rating
if not options["no-changes"]:
sound.is_index_dirty = True
report_progress("Checking number and average of ratings in %i sounds... %.2f%%", total, count)
// Look at number of downloads
if not options["skip-downloads"]:
for count, sound in enumerate(Sound.objects.all().annotate(
real_num_downloads = sound.real_num_downloads
if real_num_downloads != sound.num_downloads:
mismatches_report["Sound.num_downloads"] += 1
sound.num_downloads = real_num_downloads
if not options["no-changes"]:
sound.is_index_dirty = True
report_progress("Checking number of downloads in %i sounds... %.2f%%", total, count)
// Packs
total = Pack.objects.all().count()
// Look at number of sounds
for count, pack in enumerate(Pack.objects.all().extra(select={
SELECT COUNT(U0."id") AS "count"
FROM "sounds_sound" U0
WHERE U0."pack_id" = ("sounds_pack"."id")
AND U0."processing_state" = "OK" AND U0."moderation_state" = "OK"
real_num_sounds = pack.real_num_sounds
if real_num_sounds != pack.num_sounds:
mismatches_report["Pack.num_sounds"] += 1
pack.num_sounds = real_num_sounds
if not options["no-changes"]:
report_progress("Checking number of sounds in %i packs... %.2f%%", total, count)
// Look at number of downloads
if not options["skip-downloads"]:
for count, pack in enumerate(Pack.objects.all().annotate(real_num_downloads=Count("downloads")).iterator()):
real_num_downloads = pack.real_num_downloads
if real_num_downloads != pack.num_downloads:
mismatches_report["Pack.num_downloads"] += 1
pack.num_downloads = real_num_downloads
if not options["no-changes"]:
report_progress("Checking number of downloads in %i packs... %.2f%%", total, count)
// Users
potential_user_ids = set()
potential_user_ids.update(Sound.objects.all().values_list("user_id", flat=True)) // Add ids of uploaders
potential_user_ids.update(Post.objects.all().values_list("author_id", flat=True)) // Add ids of forum posters
total = len(potential_user_ids)
// Look at number of sounds
for count, user in enumerate(User.objects.filter(id__in=potential_user_ids).select_related("profile").extra(
SELECT COUNT(U0."id") AS "count"
FROM "sounds_sound" U0
WHERE U0."user_id" = ("auth_user"."id")
AND U0."processing_state" = "OK" AND U0."moderation_state" = "OK"
user_profile = user.profile
real_num_sounds = user.real_num_sounds
if real_num_sounds != user_profile.num_sounds:
mismatches_report["User.num_sounds"] += 1
user_profile.num_sounds = real_num_sounds
if not options["no-changes"]:
report_progress("Checking number of sounds in %i users... %.2f%%", total, count)
// Look at number of posts
for count, user in enumerate(User.objects.filter(id__in=potential_user_ids).select_related("profile").annotate(
user_profile = user.profile
real_num_posts = user.real_num_posts
if real_num_posts != user_profile.num_posts:
mismatches_report["User.num_posts"] += 1
user_profile.num_posts = real_num_posts
if not options["no-changes"]:
report_progress("Checking number of posts in %i users... %.2f%%", total, count)
console_logger.info("Number of mismatched counts: ")
console_logger.info("\n" + pprint.pformat(mismatches_report))
mismatches_object_ids = {key: value for key, value in mismatches_object_ids.items() if value}
console_logger.info("\n" + pprint.pformat(mismatches_object_ids))
After Change
console_logger.info(message % (total, 100 * float(count + 1) / total))
mismatches_report = defaultdict(int)
mismatches_object_ids = defaultdict(list)
// IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: on the code below we iterate multiple times on Sounds, Packs and Users tables.
// This is done in this way because due to our DB structure and the way that Django ORM works, if we annotate
// counts from different tables in a single queryset (annotations that require SQL JOINs with more than one