
Before Change

        // moves consist solely of routing decisions
        // TODO: in mixed autonomy, we may want to give automated vehicles the option of slowing down/stopping
        route_choice = Box(low=0., high=1, shape=(self.scenario.num_vehicles,))
        stop_go = Box(low=0., high=1, shape=(self.scenario.num_vehicles,))

        return Product([route_choice, stop_go])

After Change

        Moves consist of routing decisions, as well as accelerations performed by rl vehicles.
        lb = [0, - np.abs(self.env_params["max-deacc"])] * self.scenario.num_rl_vehicles
        ub = [2, self.env_params["max-acc"]] * self.scenario.num_rl_vehicles

        return Box(np.array(lb), np.array(ub))
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: flow-project/flow
Commit Name: 6675ef7ddc08ab25eb6545943c7f4cc0234b62ee
Time: 2017-08-03
Author: akreidieh@gmail.com
File Name: cistar-dev/cistar/envs/braess_paradox.py
Class Name: BraessParadoxEnvironment
Method Name: action_space

Project Name: Shmuma/ptan
Commit Name: 54a40a9aa9482f5ac35a91335c1b24a4dd5f40d5
Time: 2017-10-22
Author: max.lapan@gmail.com
File Name: ptan/common/wrappers.py
Class Name: FrameBuffer
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: ray-project/ray
Commit Name: 36bda8432b2ed23f623c8c3031b2cba148bec93b
Time: 2020-10-01
Author: sven@anyscale.io
File Name: rllib/models/torch/recurrent_net.py
Class Name: LSTMWrapper
Method Name: __init__