
Before Change

                return outputs
            // This case appears if the input was not a Keras tensor.
            return self.call(x, mask)

    def add_inbound_node(self, inbound_layers,
                         node_indices=None, tensor_indices=None):

After Change

            outputs = self.inbound_nodes[-1].output_tensors
            // This case appears if the input was not a Keras tensor.
            outputs = to_list(self.call(x, mask))

        // Apply activity regularizer if any:
        if hasattr(self, "activity_regularizer") and self.activity_regularizer is not None:
            regularization_losses = [self.activity_regularizer(x) for x in outputs]
            self.add_loss(regularization_losses, input_tensors)

        // If single output tensor: return it,
        // else return a list (at least 2 elements).
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: keras-team/keras
Commit Name: ff62eb251b04b8301e71aee970bdb157f2649fa9
Time: 2016-12-14
Author: francois.chollet@gmail.com
File Name: keras/engine/topology.py
Class Name: Layer
Method Name: __call__

Project Name: albermax/innvestigate
Commit Name: 3e781f1cb8bef3849574028f2f344b37de73a810
Time: 2018-06-22
Author: alber.maximilian@gmail.com
File Name: innvestigate/analyzer/misc.py
Class Name: Input
Method Name: _create_analysis

Project Name: albermax/innvestigate
Commit Name: d2ec6a0aa5efba251152aa4d207152023f815cd0
Time: 2018-10-01
Author: alber.maximilian@gmail.com
File Name: innvestigate/analyzer/gradient_based.py
Class Name: BaselineGradient
Method Name: _create_analysis