
Before Change

    // Second: D is too large. M needs to be > 1 or D will be set to 0...
    // unfortunately, this takes a long time.
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        _ = auto_arima(wineind, seasonal=True, m=2,  // noqa: F841
                       D=3, error_action="warn")

        assert len(w) > 0

After Change

    // Second: D is too large. M needs to be > 1 or D will be set to 0...
    // unfortunately, this takes a long time.
    with pytest.warns(ModelFitWarning):
        auto_arima(wineind, seasonal=True, m=2,  // noqa: F841
                       D=3, error_action="warn")

def test_warn_for_stepwise_and_parallel():
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        _ = auto_arima(lynx, suppress_warnings=False, d=1,  // noqa: F841
                       error_action="ignore", stepwise=True, n_jobs=2)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: tgsmith61591/pmdarima
Commit Name: 4930445d94af0c0de6d95053d4cd0d682a3de079
Time: 2018-12-28
Author: drotarcharles@yahoo.com
File Name: pmdarima/arima/tests/test_arima.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_warn_for_large_differences

Project Name: tgsmith61591/pmdarima
Commit Name: 4392de7f36f3d25fb9a5911f164d8eae9bce90e3
Time: 2019-11-16
Author: krishna.sunkara@aexp.com
File Name: pmdarima/arima/tests/test_arima.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_auto_arima_with_stepwise_context

Project Name: tgsmith61591/pmdarima
Commit Name: 1ead4fe94cc00561467641317befbc26a594933a
Time: 2020-07-13
Author: tgsmith61591@gmail.com
File Name: pmdarima/arima/tests/test_arima.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_force_polynomial_error

Project Name: tgsmith61591/pmdarima
Commit Name: 98cbe76f46d4bd8dc059be3145fc5f1aa9b21442
Time: 2018-12-28
Author: drotarcharles@yahoo.com
File Name: pmdarima/arima/tests/test_arima.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_warn_for_stepwise_and_parallel