Before Change
// The next lines performs the following function, which is not supported by TorchScript
// sorted_mega_batch = sorted(mega_batch,key=lambda element : len(element[argno]))
mega_batch_class_list = [
PytextTwoTowerEmbeddingModuleBatchSort(x, argno) for x in mega_batch
sorted_mega_batch_class_list = sorted(mega_batch_class_list)
sorted_mega_batch = [x.be() for x in sorted_mega_batch_class_list]
After Change
// The next lines sort all cross-request batch elements by the token length of right_.
// Note that cross-request batch element can in turn be a client batch.
mega_batch_key_list = [
(max_tokens(self.right_tensorizer.tokenize(x[0], x[2])), n)
for (n, x) in enumerate(mega_batch)
sorted_mega_batch_key_list = sorted(mega_batch_key_list)
sorted_mega_batch = [mega_batch[n] for (key, n) in sorted_mega_batch_key_list]
// TBD: allow model server to specify batch size in goals dictionary
max_bs: int = 10
len_mb = len(mega_batch)
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 5
Instances Project Name: facebookresearch/pytext
Commit Name: e1861863b2248e4d7d73c12a152e8c035301095d
Time: 2020-10-30
Author: mikekg@fb.com
File Name: pytext/torchscript/module.py
Class Name: ScriptPyTextTwoTowerEmbeddingModule
Method Name: make_batch
Project Name: facebookresearch/pytext
Commit Name: e1861863b2248e4d7d73c12a152e8c035301095d
Time: 2020-10-30
Author: mikekg@fb.com
File Name: pytext/torchscript/module.py
Class Name: ScriptPyTextEmbeddingModule
Method Name: make_batch
Project Name: sobhe/hazm
Commit Name: 39897f7d90cecfac7cb91d23a56cd693429e31f3
Time: 2017-09-29
Author: az.nourian@gmail.com
File Name: hazm/Normalizer.py
Class Name: Normalizer
Method Name: normalize