Before Change
// If the basepair candidate is not already in the output
// list, append to the output list
if (
((partner_res_start, candidate_res_start) \
not in basepair_candidates)
and ((candidate_res_start, partner_res_start) \
not in basepair_candidates)
and not (candidate_res_start == partner_res_start)
(candidate_res_start, partner_res_start)
return basepair_candidates
def _filter_atom_type(atom_array, atom_names):
After Change
// indices.
basepair_candidates = np.array(basepair_candidates)
basepair_candidates_shape = basepair_candidates.shape
basepair_candidates = get_residue_starts_for(
atom_array, basepair_candidates.flatten()
// Remove candidates where the N/O pairs are from the same residue
basepair_candidates = np.delete(
basepair_candidates, np.where(
basepair_candidates[:,0] == basepair_candidates[:,1]
), axis=0
// Sort the residue starts for each potential basepair
for i, candidate in enumerate(basepair_candidates):
basepair_candidates[i] = sorted(candidate)
// Make sure each base pair candidate is only listed once

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 5
Project Name: biotite-dev/biotite
Commit Name: 38159553bea31a492f5a4716a223c3e774086501
Time: 2020-11-09
Author: tom.mueller@beachouse.de
File Name: src/biotite/structure/basepairs.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _get_proximate_basepair_candidates
Project Name: ysig/GraKeL
Commit Name: ba72837e5824eb67b8d345dd5555853221f4512a
Time: 2017-11-24
Author: y.siglidis@gmail.com
File Name: grakel/tools.py
Class Name:
Method Name: matrix_to_dict
Project Name: EpistasisLab/tpot
Commit Name: 2ab8c1444facbd46df8767a5badda5b9f1a50c29
Time: 2016-08-01
Author: supacoofoo@gmail.com
File Name: tpot/tpot.py
Class Name:
Method Name: main