
Before Change

        // hasn"t already been done, read back the data
        if (globals_variables.get_simulator().has_ran
                and not self.__has_read_neuron_parameters_this_run
                and not globals_variables.get_simulator().use_virtual_board):
            // go through each machine vertex and read the neuron parameters
            // it contains
            for machine_vertex in self.__vertex.machine_vertices:

After Change

        // If the tools have run before, and not reset, and the read
        // hasn"t already been done, read back the data
        sim = get_simulator()
        if (sim.has_ran
                and not self.__has_read_neuron_parameters_this_run
                and not sim.use_virtual_board):
            // go through each machine vertex and read the neuron parameters
            // it contains
            for vertex in self.__vertex.machine_vertices:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker
Commit Name: ff81f5f731bd749a881f3ee7fc46a2c4710f208b
Time: 2021-01-21
Author: donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk
File Name: spynnaker/pyNN/models/pynn_population_common.py
Class Name: PyNNPopulationCommon
Method Name: _read_parameters_before_set

Project Name: SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker
Commit Name: d19ddd7bba3bfac4b763104d5e5d6a06efce1a5a
Time: 2017-12-14
Author: donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk
File Name: spynnaker/pyNN/spynnaker_external_device_plugin_manager.py
Class Name: SpynnakerExternalDevicePluginManager
Method Name: time_scale_factor

Project Name: SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker
Commit Name: d19ddd7bba3bfac4b763104d5e5d6a06efce1a5a
Time: 2017-12-14
Author: donal.k.fellows@manchester.ac.uk
File Name: spynnaker/pyNN/spynnaker_external_device_plugin_manager.py
Class Name: SpynnakerExternalDevicePluginManager
Method Name: machine_time_step