
Before Change

                if torch.isnan(L if out is None else out).any():
                    raise RuntimeError("singular")
        except RuntimeError as e:
            if "singular" in e.args[0]:
                raise RuntimeError("Adding jitter of {} to the diagonal did not make A p.d.".format(jitter))
                raise e
        warnings.warn("A not p.d., added jitter of {} to the diagonal".format(jitter), RuntimeWarning)

    return L

After Change

                        raise RuntimeError("singular")
                return L
            except RuntimeError:

        warnings.warn("A not p.d., added jitter of {} to the diagonal".format(jitter), RuntimeWarning)
        raise e
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: cornellius-gp/gpytorch
Commit Name: 308a18094d31d5cd2fbb7d942212669141dd8cec
Time: 2019-04-01
Author: jake.gardner@uber.com
File Name: gpytorch/utils/cholesky.py
Class Name:
Method Name: psd_safe_cholesky

Project Name: openml/openml-python
Commit Name: e5cdbe50685a40382a6645548e06cbacd523df59
Time: 2019-06-17
Author: neeratyoy@gmail.com
File Name: tests/test_datasets/test_dataset_functions.py
Class Name: TestOpenMLDataset
Method Name: test_publish_fetch_ignore_attribute

Project Name: dmlc/gluon-cv
Commit Name: fdd55d36c05c747643fc98430a7f9b787b6cec16
Time: 2019-08-29
Author: yizhu59@gmail.com
File Name: gluoncv/data/kinetics400/classification.py
Class Name: Kinetics400
Method Name: _TSN_RGB

Project Name: facebookresearch/ParlAI
Commit Name: 40ffa87b31d7ef5d5493964fbaaeebc6b1794c47
Time: 2018-02-13
Author: kshuster@fb.com
File Name: parlai/tasks/wikipedia/agents.py
Class Name: AllTeacher
Method Name: setup_data