Before Change
opt = optVarsValues[i*2] //the latest opt point
pert = optVarsValues[i*2 + 1] //the perturbed point
//calculate grad(F) wrt each input variable
lossDiff = pert["output"] - opt["output"]
//cover "max" problems
// TODO it would be good to cover this in the base class somehow, but in the previous implementation this
// sign flipping was only called when evaluating the gradient.
if self.optType == "max":
After Change
gradArray[var] = np.zeros(2) //why are we initializing to this?
// Evaluate gradient at each point
// first, get average opt point
optOutAvg = np.average(list(optVarsValues[i*2]["output"] for i in range(self.gradDict["numIterForAve"])))
// then, evaluate gradients
for i in range(self.gradDict["numIterForAve"]):
opt = optVarsValues[i*2] //the latest opt point
pert = optVarsValues[i*2 + 1] //the perturbed point
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 4
Instances Project Name: idaholab/raven
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Class Name: GradientBasedOptimizer
Method Name: evaluateGradient
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Class Name:
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