Before Change
// Test for single special characters
for one_char in [":", "/", "(", ")"]:
if chord_label.count(one_char) > 1:
raise InvalidChordException(
"Chord label may only contain one "%s". "
"Received: "%s"" % (one_char, chord_label))
// Test for closed parens
parens = [paren in chord_label for paren in ["(", ")"]]
if any(parens) and not all(parens):
raise InvalidChordException(
"Chord label must have closed parentheses. "
"Received: "%s"" % chord_label)
def split(chord_label, reduce_extended_chords=False):
Parse a chord label into its four constituent parts:
After Change
// which is in turn derived from the context-free grammar of
// Harte et al., 2005.
pattern = re.compile(r"""^((N|X)|(([A-G](b*|//*))((:(maj|min|dim|aug|1|5|sus2|sus4|maj6|min6|7|maj7|min7|dim7|hdim7|minmaj7|aug7|9|maj9|min9|11|maj11|min11|13|maj13|min13)(\((\*?((b*|//*)([1-9]|1[0-3]?))(,\*?((b*|//*)([1-9]|1[0-3]?)))*)\))?)|(:\((\*?((b*|//*)([1-9]|1[0-3]?))(,\*?((b*|//*)([1-9]|1[0-3]?)))*)\)))?((/((b*|//*)([1-9]|1[0-3]?)))?)?))$""") // nopep8
if not pattern.match(chord_label):
raise InvalidChordException("Invalid chord label: "
def split(chord_label, reduce_extended_chords=False):

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 5
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Class Name:
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Class Name:
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