Before Change
max_phrase_len = self.max_window
if max_phrase_len > min(len(x) for x in inputs):
idx = torch.tensor(self.vocab_map[self.pad], requires_grad=False, device=device)
pad_vector = self.embedding(idx)
input_tensor = []
for phrase in inputs:
// build a list of the vectors we want for this sentence / phrase
After Change
indices = torch.tensor(indices, requires_grad=False, device=device)
input_vectors = self.embedding(indices)
for unknown in unknowns:
input_vectors[unknown, :] = self.unk
// we will now have an N x emb_size tensor
// this is the input to the CNN
// there are two ways in which this padding is suboptimal
// the first is that for short sentences, smaller windows will
// be padded to the point that some windows are entirely pad
// the second is that a sentence S will have more or less padding
// depending on what other sentences are in its batch
// we assume these effects are pretty minimal
// reshape x to 1xNxE
x = input_vectors.unsqueeze(0)
x = torch.stack(input_tensor)

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 5
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Time: 2020-01-01
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Class Name:
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