
Before Change

    cond = 1e-5
    U, log_pdet, rank = _psd_pinv_decomposed_log_pdet(cov, cond)
    pinv = np.dot(U, U.T)
    _, log_pdet_pinv, rank = _psd_pinv_decomposed_log_pdet(pinv, cond)

    // Check that the log pseudo-determinant agrees with the sum
    // of the logs of all but the smallest eigenvalue

After Change

    // Set cond so that the lowest eigenvalue is below the cutoff
    cond = 1e-5
    psd = _PSD(cov, cond=cond)
    psd_pinv = _PSD(psd.pinv, cond=cond)

    // Check that the log pseudo-determinant agrees with the sum
    // of the logs of all but the smallest eigenvalue
    assert_allclose(psd.log_pdet, np.sum(np.log(s[:-1])))
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: scipy/scipy
Commit Name: aa33b546f4001fca8a28e8a6d68ee34281668ef9
Time: 2014-06-23
Author: argriffi@ncsu.edu
File Name: scipy/stats/tests/test_multivariate.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_pseudodet_pinv

Project Name: scipy/scipy
Commit Name: aa33b546f4001fca8a28e8a6d68ee34281668ef9
Time: 2014-06-23
Author: argriffi@ncsu.edu
File Name: scipy/stats/tests/test_multivariate.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_large_pseudo_determinant

Project Name: scipy/scipy
Commit Name: aa33b546f4001fca8a28e8a6d68ee34281668ef9
Time: 2014-06-23
Author: argriffi@ncsu.edu
File Name: scipy/stats/_multivariate.py
Class Name: multivariate_normal_gen
Method Name: pdf

Project Name: scipy/scipy
Commit Name: aa33b546f4001fca8a28e8a6d68ee34281668ef9
Time: 2014-06-23
Author: argriffi@ncsu.edu
File Name: scipy/stats/_multivariate.py
Class Name: multivariate_normal_gen
Method Name: logpdf