
Before Change

    for piece in sorted_pieces:
        // If we are not using absolute paths, we need to convert the path to a relative path for
        // looking up the number of row groups.
        row_groups_key = piece.path if use_absolute_paths else os.path.relpath(piece.path, dataset.paths)
        for row_group in range(row_groups_per_file[row_groups_key]):
            rowgroups.append(pq.ParquetDatasetPiece(piece.path, row_group, piece.partition_keys))
    return rowgroups

After Change

    num_row_groups = metadata.num_row_groups

    if num_row_groups > 0:
        // Use the new metadata file
        return _split_row_groups(dataset)

    // If we don"t have row groups in the common metadata we look for the old way of loading it
    logger.warning("You are using a deprecated metadata version. Please run petastorm.etl.metadata_index_run"
                   " on spark to update.")
    dataset_metadata_dict = dataset.common_metadata.metadata
    if ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY not in dataset_metadata_dict:
        raise ValueError("Could not find row group metadata in _metadata file."
                         " Use materialize_dataset(..) in petastorm.etl.dataset_metadata.py to generate"
                         " this file in your ETL code."
                         " You can generate it on an existing dataset using petastorm.etl.metadata_index_run")
    metadata_dict_key = ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY
    row_groups_per_file = json.loads(dataset_metadata_dict[metadata_dict_key].decode())

    rowgroups = []
    // Force order of pieces. The order is not deterministic since it depends on multithreaded directory
    // listing implementation inside pyarrow. We stabilize order here, this way we get reproducable order
    // when pieces shuffling is off. This also enables implementing piece shuffling given a seed
    sorted_pieces = sorted(dataset.pieces, key=attrgetter("path"))
    for piece in sorted_pieces:
        // If we are not using absolute paths, we need to convert the path to a relative path for
        // looking up the number of row groups.
        row_groups_key = os.path.relpath(piece.path, dataset.paths)
        for row_group in range(row_groups_per_file[row_groups_key]):
            rowgroups.append(pq.ParquetDatasetPiece(piece.path, row_group, piece.partition_keys))
    return rowgroups
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: uber/petastorm
Commit Name: 100f6cbd2f03bbd90d7b6a41cc81f711ed466491
Time: 2018-08-13
Author: robbieg@uber.com
File Name: petastorm/etl/dataset_metadata.py
Class Name:
Method Name: load_row_groups

Project Name: pantsbuild/pants
Commit Name: c615fa154f16600c8aaefbbcce8b819a558e0cdd
Time: 2015-09-01
Author: fedor.korotkov@gmail.com
File Name: src/python/pants/backend/core/wrapped_globs.py
Class Name: FilesetRelPathWrapper
Method Name: __call__

Project Name: pantsbuild/pants
Commit Name: bcef7effe4821a6b3c8d5857d8eb5c28a440c1a4
Time: 2011-07-14
Author: jsirois@twitter.com
File Name: src/python/twitter/pants/commands/ide.py
Class Name: Project
Method Name: configure