
Before Change

    n = samples.shape[-1]
    numer = n * (diff * diff).sum(-1)
    denom = (n - 1) * (samples * samples).sum(-1)
    return np.sqrt(numer / denom)

def minmax_normalize(samples, out=None):
    Min-max normalization of a function evaluated on the unit sphere

After Change

    numer = np.array([n * (diff ** 2).sum(-1)])
    denom = np.array([(n - 1) * (samples ** 2).sum(-1)])
    result = np.ones_like(denom) * np.nan
    idx = np.where(denom > 0)
    result[idx] = np.sqrt(numer[idx] / denom[idx])
    return result.squeeze()

Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: nipy/dipy
Commit Name: 7341ea4b72276c36329d618353f54c90bef031fd
Time: 2017-07-05
Author: arokem@gmail.com
File Name: dipy/reconst/odf.py
Class Name:
Method Name: gfa

Project Name: glm-tools/pyglmnet
Commit Name: fb4b9023f9ec516648d58b4ba2ecd8e241e21618
Time: 2016-11-16
Author: pavan.ramkumar@gmail.com
File Name: pyglmnet/utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name: tikhonov_from_prior

Project Name: neurosynth/neurosynth
Commit Name: 66e36bf51b453bb6b92d330d4d7845bdfbdfee99
Time: 2018-05-04
Author: tyarkoni@gmail.com
File Name: neurosynth/base/dataset.py
Class Name: Dataset
Method Name: get_studies