Before Change
labels = kwargs.get("labels", None)
if labels is not None:
if not isinstance(labels, list) and not isinstance(labels, ndarray) and not isinstance(labels, tuple):
raise TypeError("labels should be a list of strings")
for label in labels:
if not isinstance(label, str):
raise TypeError("each label should be a string")
After Change
labels = kwargs.get("labels", None)
if labels is not None:
if isscalar(labels):
raise TypeError("labels should be array-like")
for label in labels:
if not isinstance(label, str):
raise TypeError("each label should be a string")

Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 5
Project Name: prody/ProDy
Commit Name: 1eb729b019c45c920cb9bb8cb7bca66359fad915
Time: 2018-04-10
Author: jamesmkrieger@gmail.com
File Name: prody/sequence/analysis.py
Class Name:
Method Name: showAlignment
Project Name: prody/ProDy
Commit Name: 1eb729b019c45c920cb9bb8cb7bca66359fad915
Time: 2018-04-10
Author: jamesmkrieger@gmail.com
File Name: prody/sequence/analysis.py
Class Name:
Method Name: alignSequencesByChain
Project Name: prody/ProDy
Commit Name: 86ce7f9e7db046d0bbf2a4aef50cabd4731167e6
Time: 2018-04-30
Author: shz66@pitt.edu
File Name: prody/utilities/catchall.py
Class Name:
Method Name: showMatrix
Project Name: biolab/orange3
Commit Name: b5264000f20db429a3bd371ec66178c9fb49e5ce
Time: 2018-01-16
Author: ales.erjavec@fri.uni-lj.si
File Name: Orange/distance/distance.py
Class Name: SpearmanModel
Method Name: compute_correlation