Before Change
cfg: TestBaseSchema
config = {"test1": 123, "test2": 1, "test3": 5}
result, filled = my_registry.resolve({"cfg": config}, schema=TestSchema)
assert result["cfg"] == {"test1": "123", "test2": True, "test3": 5.0}
// This only affects the resolved config, not the filled config
assert filled["cfg"] == config
After Change
cfg: TestBaseSchema
config = {"test1": 123, "test2": 1, "test3": 5}
filled = my_registry.fill({"cfg": config}, schema=TestSchema)
result = my_registry.resolve({"cfg": config}, schema=TestSchema)
assert result["cfg"] == {"test1": "123", "test2": True, "test3": 5.0}
// This only affects the resolved config, not the filled config
assert filled["cfg"] == config

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 4
Project Name: explosion/thinc
Commit Name: 88f0bd8a9185c31ca8d76a95d542b9f3e372852f
Time: 2020-09-27
Author: ines@ines.io
File Name: thinc/tests/test_config.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_resolve_schema_coerced
Project Name: explosion/thinc
Commit Name: 88f0bd8a9185c31ca8d76a95d542b9f3e372852f
Time: 2020-09-27
Author: ines@ines.io
File Name: thinc/tests/test_config.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_config_reserved_aliases
Project Name: explosion/thinc
Commit Name: 88f0bd8a9185c31ca8d76a95d542b9f3e372852f
Time: 2020-09-27
Author: ines@ines.io
File Name: thinc/tests/test_config.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_validation_no_validate