Before Change
assert type(B).__name__ == "ndarray"
assert A.grad.shape == (2, INT_OVERFLOW, 4)
assert A.grad[0][0][0] == 0
def test_erf():
A = np.ones((2, INT_OVERFLOW))
After Change
L_SEQ, L_ALP, L_LAB, BAT = 2**10, 2**20, 2**6, 2
A = np.zeros((L_SEQ, BAT, L_ALP))
label = np.random.randint(0, L_ALP, (BAT, L_LAB))
// test for expected exception
test_ctc_loss_size_check(A, label)
// now we shrink the size a little bit and test for an allowed case
L_ALP = 2**20 - 1
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 4
Instances Project Name: apache/incubator-mxnet
Commit Name: 48c21988cdcde9721cb44804b775d8f0edfcb6cc
Time: 2020-08-28
Author: zhaoqizhu96@gmail.com
File Name: tests/nightly/test_np_large_array.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_ctc_loss
Project Name: facebookresearch/pythia
Commit Name: d8f9592b209e368e4934b6b429443c2a8673de3f
Time: 2020-10-19
Author: junchen20@fb.com
File Name: tests/models/test_mmbt.py
Class Name: TestMMBTTorchscript
Method Name: test_finetune_model
Project Name: keras-team/keras
Commit Name: 1c221934aaeab20ed5b6fa245b33b00a8b557533
Time: 2018-11-29
Author: andhus@kth.se
File Name: tests/keras/backend/backend_test.py
Class Name: TestBackend
Method Name: test_rnn_no_states