R = pra.circular_2D_array([0, 0], 12, 0., 0.15)
// propagation filter bank
propagation_vector = -np.array([np.cos(azimuth), np.sin(azimuth)])
delays = np.dot(R.T, propagation_vector) / c * fs // in fractional samples
filter_bank = pra.fractional_delay_filter_bank(delays)
// we use a white noise signal for the source
x = np.random.randn((nfft // 2 + 1) * nfft)
// convolve the source signal with the fractional delay filters
// to get the microphone input signals
mic_signals = [ fftconvolve(x, filter, mode="same") for filter in filter_bank ]
// Now add the microphone noise
for signal in mic_signals:
signal += np.random.randn(*signal.shape) * 10**(- SNR / 20)
// Compute the STFT frames needed