Before Change
self.__range = float("nan")
self.missing_value = self.__norm + 1
self.zero = 0
if self.cardinality() < 2**8:
self.dtype = numpy.uint8
elif self.cardinality() < 2**16:
self.dtype = numpy.uint16
elif self.cardinality() < 2**32:
self.dtype = numpy.uint32
elif self.cardinality() < 2**64:
self.dtype = numpy.uint64
raise OverflowError("Woah, partner. That"s a lot of bins!")
def fit(self, data):
with timer(("fit %s:" % self.name), logging.DEBUG):
series = self.series(data)
self.__min = series.min()
After Change
self.__range = float("nan")
self.missing_value = self.__norm + 1
self.zero = 0
self.dtype = self._type_from_cardinality()
def fit(self, data):
with timer(("fit %s:" % self.name), logging.DEBUG):
series = self.series(data)

Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 34
Project Name: instacart/lore
Commit Name: b4e3e536c43812a4aa1c9f320c36124178d1a2bd
Time: 2017-11-10
Author: montanalow@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: lore/encoders.py
Class Name: Discrete
Method Name: __init__
Project Name: instacart/lore
Commit Name: b4e3e536c43812a4aa1c9f320c36124178d1a2bd
Time: 2017-11-10
Author: montanalow@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: lore/encoders.py
Class Name: Discrete
Method Name: __init__
Project Name: instacart/lore
Commit Name: b4e3e536c43812a4aa1c9f320c36124178d1a2bd
Time: 2017-11-10
Author: montanalow@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: lore/encoders.py
Class Name: MiddleOut
Method Name: __init__
Project Name: instacart/lore
Commit Name: b4e3e536c43812a4aa1c9f320c36124178d1a2bd
Time: 2017-11-10
Author: montanalow@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: lore/encoders.py
Class Name: Quantile
Method Name: fit
Project Name: instacart/lore
Commit Name: b4e3e536c43812a4aa1c9f320c36124178d1a2bd
Time: 2017-11-10
Author: montanalow@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: lore/encoders.py
Class Name: Enum
Method Name: fit