
Before Change

        // check shapes
        assert len(inputs) == 2, "inputs has to be len 2, found: %d" % len(inputs)
        if inputs[1].shape[1:-1] != inputs[0].shape[1:-1]:
            raise Exception("Shift shape should match vol shape. "
                            "Got: " + inputs[1].shape[1:-1] + " and " + inputs[0].shape[1:-1])

        // prepare location shift
        loc_shift = inputs[1]
        if self.indexing == "xy":  // shift the first two dimensions
            loc_shift_split = tf.split(loc_shift, loc_shift.shape[-1], axis=-1)
            loc_shift_lst = [loc_shift_split[1], loc_shift_split[0], *loc_shift_split[2:]]

After Change

        if not self.is_affine:
            if not all([trf.shape[1:-1][f] != vol.shape[1:-1][f] for f in range(self.ndims)]):
                raise Exception("Shift shape should match vol shape. "
                                "Got: " + str(trf.shape[1:-1]) + " and " + str(vol.shape[1:-1]))

        // go from affine
        if self.is_affine:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: adalca/neuron
Commit Name: 1c6277ecb801327ce4b2e376e1e13a18b79ba52c
Time: 2018-08-26
Author: adalca@mit.edu
File Name: neuron/layers.py
Class Name: DenseSpatialTransformer
Method Name: call

Project Name: facebookresearch/Horizon
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Time: 2018-02-16
Author: jjg@fb.com
File Name: ml/rl/training/conv/discrete_action_conv_trainer.py
Class Name: DiscreteActionConvTrainer
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: Esri/raster-functions
Commit Name: 187140c0d694b144a4ec81553eb2d40bb0df453e
Time: 2015-03-07
Author: akferoz@esri.com
File Name: functions/LinearSpectralUnmixing.py
Class Name: LinearSpectralUnmixing
Method Name: updateRasterInfo