
Before Change

            field_settings["mobile"]["widget"] = {"type": "heatmap"}
            num_clicks = question_settings.get("numClicks")
            if num_clicks:
                field_settings["mobile"]["requires"] = {"numClicks": [0, numClicks]}
            raise NotImplementedError

After Change

            other = question_settings.get("other")
            if other:
                other_id = question_settings.get("other_id")
                if other_id:
                    // Update the Dynamic Field
                    db(current.s3db.s3_field.id == other_id).update(label = question.name)
                    // @ToDo: Call onaccept if this starts doing anything other than just setting "master"
                    // Create the Dynamic Field
                    // Lookup the table_id
                    ttable = db.dc_template
                    template = db(ttable.id == question.template_id).select(ttable.table_id,
                                                                            limitby=(0, 1)
                    from uuid import uuid1
                    name = "f%s" % str(uuid1()).replace("-", "_")
                    field_id = current.s3db.s3_field.insert(table_id = template.table_id,
                                                            label = other,
                                                            name = name,
                                                            field_type = "text",
                    // @ToDo: Call onaccept if this starts doing anything other than just setting "master"
                    // @ToDo: Call set_record_owner() once we start restricting these
        elif field_type == 7:
            // "Date"
            field_type = "date"
        elif field_type == 8:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: sahana/eden
Commit Name: ef2c9d1e1c83223c279faa8e2b1fe2df5219c7f9
Time: 2019-08-18
Author: fran@aidiq.com
File Name: modules/s3db/dc.py
Class Name: DataCollectionTemplateModel
Method Name: dc_question_onaccept

Project Name: sahana/eden
Commit Name: 2ae0f1a6bd4ad9325e0f7a2d1d9d1200c47cc39b
Time: 2020-03-03
Author: dominic@nursix.org
File Name: modules/s3/s3payments.py
Class Name: PayPalAdapter
Method Name: register_subscription

Project Name: sahana/eden
Commit Name: 64768706ffa05f7fa1ecd81282de88ef0b4a5866
Time: 2021-01-15
Author: dominic@nursix.org
File Name: modules/templates/RLPPTM/helpers.py
Class Name: rlpptm_InviteUserOrg
Method Name: invite