the krakenhll database using the --db parameter in the config file.")
// if a kraken_txt was supplied then let"s run kraken by defaultself.config["krakenhll"]["run"] = True
kraken_annotation_dict = u.get_TAB_delimited_file_as_dictionary(kraken_txt)
ifnext(iter(next(iter(kraken_annotation_dict.values())).keys())) != "path":
After Change
self.run_krakenhll = self.get_param_value_from_config(["krakenhll", "run"]) == True
if kraken_txt:
ifself.get_param_value_from_config(["krakenhll", "run"]) == True:
raise ConfigError("You supplied a kraken_txt file (\"%s\") but you set krakenhll \
to run in the config file. anvi"o is confused and \
is officially going on a strike. Ok, let"s clarify, \