
Before Change

    if dataset not in urls:
        raise ValueError("Invalid dataset specified")
    url = urls[dataset]
    fn = url.split("/")[-1]  // pick the filename from the url
    archive = op.join(destdir, fn)

After Change

    hashes = {"evoked": "a3e36f006dcece8f1da50b602bfc9cbe",
              "raw": None}  // don"t have raw hash yet
    _check_option("dataset", dataset, sorted(urls.keys()))
    url = urls[dataset]
    hash_ = hashes[dataset]
    fn = url.split("/")[-1]  // pick the filename from the url
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: mne-tools/mne-python
Commit Name: 4ff3bad13ac4a37fe0c15128d41adc789a9ca510
Time: 2019-05-17
Author: larson.eric.d@gmail.com
File Name: mne/datasets/hf_sef/hf_sef.py
Class Name:
Method Name: data_path

Project Name: scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize
Commit Name: dbc0f24b39c2e2725682485a68586b3f0fa6bafc
Time: 2017-07-02
Author: iaroslav.email@gmail.com
File Name: skopt/searchcv.py
Class Name: BayesSearchCV
Method Name: fit

Project Name: dnouri/skorch
Commit Name: 53ef00376510ee9ba4506918db06b25dad4a7ea4
Time: 2017-07-31
Author: benjamin.bossan@ottogroup.com
File Name: inferno/callbacks.py
Class Name: BestLoss
Method Name: initialize