
Before Change

def test_csv_import_schema():
    with bayesdb_csv_stream(csv_data) as (bdb, f):
        bayeslite.bayesdb_import_csv(bdb, "employees", f,
                "age": "numerical",
                "gender": "categorical",
                "salary": "cyclic",
                "height": "ignore",
                "division": "categorical",
                "rank": "categorical",
        // XXX Currently this test fails because we compile the query
        // into `SELECT "idontexist" FROM "employees"", and for
        // compatibility with MySQL idiocy or something, SQLite treats

After Change

        // compatibility with MySQL idiocy or something, SQLite treats
        // double-quotes as single-quotes if the alternative would be
        // an error.
        with pytest.raises(sqlite3.OperationalError):
            bdb.execute("select idontexist from employees")
            raise sqlite3.OperationalError("BQL compiler is broken;"
                " a.k.a. sqlite3 is stupid.")
            CREATE GENERATOR employees_cc FOR employees USING crosscat(
                age NUMERICAL,
                gender CATEGORICAL,
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: probcomp/bayeslite
Commit Name: 3e5e9bbbb73ff219404e379fa292c010ebb7e5f2
Time: 2015-03-23
Author: riastradh+probcomp@csail.mit.edu
File Name: tests/test_csv.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_csv_import_schema

Project Name: Featuretools/featuretools
Commit Name: 88429bfe56ad2103df596ae2c2c982eafdad32a3
Time: 2020-05-20
Author: 4307001+thehomebrewnerd@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: featuretools/tests/computational_backend/test_calculate_feature_matrix.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_cutoff_time_naming

Project Name: dask/dask-ml
Commit Name: 5039cf803debf7a859f71f882fa5af46fc18bb5a
Time: 2019-10-30
Author: TomAugspurger@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: tests/test_pca.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_pca_validation

Project Name: mne-tools/mne-python
Commit Name: a610fbcacda540c1ebff6c9500c85644aaef8ae7
Time: 2020-05-28
Author: larson.eric.d@gmail.com
File Name: mne/viz/tests/test_evoked.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_plot_white