Before Change
Weights corresponding to all edges in the mask.
shape: (n_edges,)
data = masker.inverse_transform(masked_data).get_data()
weights_deep = np.sum(np.diff(data, axis=2) ** 2, axis=-1).ravel()
weights_right = np.sum(np.diff(data, axis=1) ** 2, axis=-1).ravel()
After Change
mask = mask_img.get_data().astype("bool")
shape = mask.shape
data = np.empty((shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], n_samples))
for sample in range(n_samples):
data[:, :, :, sample] = \
_unmask_from_to_3d_array(X[sample].copy(), mask)

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 5
Project Name: nilearn/nilearn
Commit Name: f5d882c106aa2202d03ead930f7af2ee5d612b4c
Time: 2019-04-18
Author: jerome-alexis.chevalier@inria.fr
File Name: nilearn/regions/rena_clustering.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _compute_weights
Project Name: nilearn/nilearn
Commit Name: b32c8a990a744e135c8787456ef5b62ab40d6da7
Time: 2019-04-18
Author: jerome-alexis.chevalier@inria.fr
File Name: nilearn/regions/tests/test_rena_clustering.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_rena_clustering
Project Name: Hironsan/anago
Commit Name: 2b75591ec1bf72e7456d1bcf3e10e2df382f7326
Time: 2017-08-03
Author: light.tree.1.13@gmail.com
File Name: tests/preprocess_test.py
Class Name: WordPreprocessorTest
Method Name: test_preprocessor