
Before Change

        // Launch the "Open File" dialog
        fileNames = self.getImageFileNamesToOpen(defaultDirectory)

        if len(fileNames) == 1:
            QMessageBox.warning(self, "Invalid selection", "Cannot create stack: You only selected one file.  If your stack is contained in a single file (e.g. a multi-page tiff or hdf5 volume), please use the "Add File" button." )

        // If the user didn"t cancel
        if len(fileNames) > 0:
            PreferencesManager().set("DataSelection", "recent stack image", fileNames[0])
            // Convert into one big string, which is accepted by the stack loading operator
            bigString = "//".join( fileNames )
            self.importStackFromGlobString(bigString, roleIndex)

    def getImageFileNamesToOpen(self, defaultDirectory):

After Change

                self.guiControlSignal.emit( ControlCommand.Pop )

        req = Request( importStack )
        req.notify_failed( partial(self.handleFailedStackLoad, files ) )

    def handleFailedStackLoad(self, files, exc, exc_info):
        import traceback
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: ilastik/ilastik
Commit Name: 54752cfa38468abbab5580fae1a718bb41fe3f31
Time: 2013-04-19
Author: bergs@janelia.hhmi.org
File Name: ilastik/applets/dataSelection/dataSelectionGui.py
Class Name: DataSelectionGui
Method Name: handleAddStack

Project Name: ilastik/ilastik
Commit Name: 890dcf0662a1150b7ea70a8d6af89c5d3cf8d343
Time: 2019-05-07
Author: k-dominik@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: ilastik/workflows/carving/carvingGui.py
Class Name: CarvingGui
Method Name: _exportMeshes

Project Name: studioml/studio
Commit Name: 13986978d4545aa429a7fc233d8e39718d52e255
Time: 2020-08-11
Author: andrei.denissov@cognizant.com
File Name: studio/keyvalue_provider.py
Class Name: KeyValueProvider
Method Name: checkpoint_experiment