Before Change
elif dim == 3:
transform_method = vf.warp_3d_affine_nn
elif interp == "linear":
image = image.astype(np.float64)
if dim == 2:
transform_method = vf.warp_2d_affine
elif dim == 3:
transform_method = vf.warp_3d_affine
After Change
the transformed image, sampled at the requested grid
// Verify valid interpolation requested
if interp not in _interp_options:
raise ValueError("Unknown interpolation method: %s" % (interp,))
// Obtain sampling grid
if sampling_grid_shape is None:
if apply_inverse:
sampling_grid_shape = self.codomain_shape

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 6
Project Name: nipy/dipy
Commit Name: 491868d5bb9c73324cd7ec25f06d1f3499f01072
Time: 2015-07-16
Author: jomaroceguedag@gmail.com
File Name: dipy/align/imaffine.py
Class Name: AffineMap
Method Name: _apply_transform
Project Name: MIC-DKFZ/trixi
Commit Name: 0d39c9dc19388c18362897c83cebbe12a063a752
Time: 2019-06-14
Author: jens.petersen@dkfz.de
File Name: trixi/logger/visdom/pytorchvisdomlogger.py
Class Name: PytorchVisdomLogger
Method Name: show_image_grid_heatmap
Project Name: MIC-DKFZ/trixi
Commit Name: 0d39c9dc19388c18362897c83cebbe12a063a752
Time: 2019-06-14
Author: jens.petersen@dkfz.de
File Name: trixi/logger/file/pytorchplotfilelogger.py
Class Name: PytorchPlotFileLogger
Method Name: show_image_grid_heatmap