
Before Change

  // NumPy has an np.argparition() method, however log(1000) is so small that
  // sorting the whole array is simpler and fast enough.
  top_indicies = np.argsort(predicted_scores_by_user, axis=1)[:, -_TOP_K:]
  top_indicies = np.flip(top_indicies, axis=1)

  // Both HR and NDCG vectorized computation takes advantage of the fact that if
  // the positive example for a user is not in the top k, that index does not
  // appear. That is to say:   hit_ind.shape[0] <= num_users
  hit_ind = np.argwhere(np.equal(top_indicies, 0))
  hr = hit_ind.shape[0] / ncf_dataset.num_users
  ndcg = np.sum(np.log(2) / np.log(hit_ind[:, 1] + 2)) / ncf_dataset.num_users

  global_step = estimator.get_variable_value(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP)
  eval_results = {

After Change

      :ncf_dataset.num_users * (1 + rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES)]\
      .reshape(ncf_dataset.num_users, -1)
  item_with_padding = np.concatenate(item_batches, axis=0)
  items_by_user = item_with_padding[
      :ncf_dataset.num_users * (1 + rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES)]\
      .reshape(ncf_dataset.num_users, -1)

  tf.logging.info("Computing metrics...")

  hr, ndcg = get_hit_rate_and_ndcg(predicted_scores_by_user, items_by_user,

  global_step = estimator.get_variable_value(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP)
  eval_results = {
      _HR_KEY: hr,
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: tensorflow/models
Commit Name: 64710c051f26a2778c03fc15ef29c4bcae01df32
Time: 2018-08-22
Author: reedwm@google.com
File Name: official/recommendation/ncf_main.py
Class Name:
Method Name: evaluate_model

Project Name: scikit-learn-contrib/DESlib
Commit Name: 44bdf9be3b913a1a0e90115e45edbee192d01b90
Time: 2018-03-31
Author: rafaelmenelau@gmail.com
File Name: deslib/des/probabilistic.py
Class Name: Probabilistic
Method Name: estimate_competence

Project Name: jakeret/tf_unet
Commit Name: 6ff96d4f10e2e85d0cb9745776eac64713c51256
Time: 2016-08-24
Author: jakeret@phys.ethz.ch
File Name: tf_unet/unet.py
Class Name: Unet
Method Name: __init__