
Before Change

    def predict_survival_function(self, input, batch_size=8224, eval_=True, to_cpu=False,
        Mighht need to set to_cpu to true if too large dataset.
        cdf = (self.predict(input, batch_size, False, eval_, False, to_cpu, num_workers)
               [:, :-1]
        return 1 - cdf.transpose()

def make_loss_deephit(alpha, sigma):
    Loss for deephit (single risk) model.

After Change

        pmf = self.predict_pmf(input, batch_size, eval_, to_cpu, num_workers, False)
        surv = 1 - pmf.cumsum(0)
        if tuplefy(input).type() is np.ndarray:
            surv = surv.cpu().numpy()
        return surv

    def predict_pmf(self, input, batch_size=8224, eval_=True, to_cpu=False, num_workers=0,
        Mighht need to set to_cpu to true if too large dataset.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: havakv/pycox
Commit Name: 190d9b204a1a4798f0723c8d8d37ac5ac950909e
Time: 2019-05-08
Author: haavard.kvamme@gmail..com
File Name: pycox/models/deephit.py
Class Name: DeepHitSingle
Method Name: predict_survival_function

Project Name: EducationalTestingService/factor_analyzer
Commit Name: c899e6e816306956208664dcabd11e5e84e4bcb7
Time: 2019-04-02
Author: jbiggs@ets.org
File Name: factor_analyzer/factor_analyzer.py
Class Name: FactorAnalyzer
Method Name: get_factor_variance

Project Name: soft-matter/trackpy
Commit Name: dbeab7509cfec1314b6529d57fbd090ce744695c
Time: 2017-07-27
Author: caspervdw@gmail.com
File Name: trackpy/motion.py
Class Name:
Method Name: compute_drift