
Before Change

//html_theme = "alabaster"
html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" 
html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]

// Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
// further.  For a list of options available for each theme, see the
// documentation.

After Change

// epub_uid = ""

// A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file.
epub_exclude_files = ["search.html"]

Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: datascienceinc/Skater
Commit Name: 8af982f6da8f95a955be5673c88af37c0fb73256
Time: 2017-03-29
Author: aikramer2@gmail.com
File Name: doc/conf.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: tensorlayer/tensorlayer
Commit Name: e9f1811fd470939c4824cc5e6f32db344999f65e
Time: 2016-06-15
Author: haodong@dyn1231-41.wlan.ic.ac.uk
File Name: conf.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: NervanaSystems/nlp-architect
Commit Name: eaf11b10129b08960525eb277436a2c5330c89dc
Time: 2019-08-28
Author: peter.izsak@intel.com
File Name: docs-source/source/conf.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: ANTsX/ANTsPy
Commit Name: 977a644661293801c283f48e86be2093963b121e
Time: 2017-09-27
Author: ncullen.th@dartmouth.edu
File Name: docs/source/conf.py
Class Name:
Method Name: