
Before Change

        s = self.man
        X = s.rand()
        U = s.randvec(X)
        Ulogexp = s.log(X, s.exp(X, U))
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(U, Ulogexp)

    def test_pairmean(self):
        s = self.man

After Change

        s = self.man
        x = s.rand()
        u = s.randvec(x)
        y = s.exp(x, u)
        v = s.log(x, y)
        // Check that the manifold difference between the tangent vectors u and
        // v is 0
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(0, s.norm(x, u - v))
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: pymanopt/pymanopt
Commit Name: 68f33e7d12612fc4f1aaa11c178a8aafb7466cc6
Time: 2016-02-19
Author: jamiehntownsend@gmail.com
File Name: tests/test_manifold_oblique.py
Class Name: TestObliqueManifold
Method Name: test_log_exp_inverse

Project Name: pymanopt/pymanopt
Commit Name: 68f33e7d12612fc4f1aaa11c178a8aafb7466cc6
Time: 2016-02-19
Author: jamiehntownsend@gmail.com
File Name: tests/test_manifold_grassmann.py
Class Name: TestGrassmannManifold
Method Name: test_log_exp_inverse

Project Name: suavecode/SUAVE
Commit Name: 7f9976d67c9b413b3a7211bad921b29eac7be179
Time: 2016-02-01
Author: jmvegh@stanford.edu
File Name: trunk/SUAVE/Methods/Power/Battery/Sizing/initialize_from_energy_and_power.py
Class Name:
Method Name: initialize_from_energy_and_power