
Before Change

    // read the kmeans closest and the least used memory
    // TODO: for now we assume infinite memory, hence least used is the first free cell
    read_vectors = []
    pos = read_positions.squeeze().data.cpu().numpy()
    for b in range(read_positions.size(0)):
      read_vectors.append(T.stack([memory[b, p] for p in list(pos[b])], 0))
    read_vectors = T.stack(read_vectors, 0)

After Change

    read_positions = T.cat([read_positions, last_used_mem.unsqueeze(1)], 2)

    (b, m, w) = memory.size()
    read_vectors = memory.gather(1, read_positions.squeeze().unsqueeze(2).expand(b, self.K+1, w))

    return read_vectors, read_positions, read_weights

  def read(self, read_query, hidden):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: ixaxaar/pytorch-dnc
Commit Name: 2026a8939d9ccc3e26ac776db5b4788846fd166c
Time: 2017-12-03
Author: root@ixaxaar.in
File Name: dnc/sparse_memory.py
Class Name: SparseMemory
Method Name: read_from_sparse_memory

Project Name: ncullen93/torchsample
Commit Name: 42418e10a68f534b939a125a9ccd60167f9a6633
Time: 2017-04-18
Author: ncullen@modv-vlan533.0292.apn.wlan.wireless-pennnet.upenn.edu
File Name: torchsample/transforms/torch_transforms.py
Class Name: AddChannel
Method Name: __call__

Project Name: leftthomas/SRGAN
Commit Name: 1433d4c435a253e891009b08a9280bc452087db0
Time: 2017-11-21
Author: leftthomas@qq.com
File Name: test.py
Class Name:
Method Name: