
Before Change

            // This list comprehension splits the plot.renderers list at the "marker"
            // points returning small sublists corresponding with each subplot.
            subrends = [list(x[1]) for x in itertools.groupby(
                        self.plot.renderers, lambda x: is_ax_end(x)) if not x[0]]
            plots = []
            for i, axes in enumerate(fig.axes):
                // create a new plot for each subplot

After Change

            // This list comprehension splits the plot.renderers list at the "marker"
            // points returning small sublists corresponding with each subplot.
            subrends = []
            for i in range(1, len(self._axes)):
                start, end = self._axes[i-1], self._axes[i]
                subrends += [self.plot.renderers[start:end]]

            plots = []
            for i, axes in enumerate(fig.axes):
                // create a new plot for each subplot
                _plot = Plot(x_range=self.plot.x_range,
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: bokeh/bokeh
Commit Name: ce4cf57bd51148b0eeb6c4ddfb28605a5db9af15
Time: 2016-02-01
Author: bryanv@continuum.io
File Name: bokeh/core/compat/bokeh_renderer.py
Class Name: BokehRenderer
Method Name: close_figure

Project Name: WZBSocialScienceCenter/tmtoolkit
Commit Name: 9def69a805132ff7549744b5b30a2fa7531fa405
Time: 2019-06-12
Author: markus.konrad@wzb.eu
File Name: tmtoolkit/preprocess/_tmpreproc.py
Class Name: TMPreproc
Method Name: load_tokens_dataframe

Project Name: pmorissette/bt
Commit Name: 01cd6dab06e42a63a4240cd57eef9331179cf091
Time: 2014-05-06
Author: pm@rdacap.com
File Name: bt/backtest.py
Class Name: Backtest
Method Name: security_weights