
Before Change

        subarr = np.array(arr, dtype=dtype, copy=copy).view(cls)

        // We only want numerical datatypes
        if not np.issubdtype(subarr.dtype, np.number):
            raise TypeError("Quantities can only be created from numerical data.")

        // Use the given dimension or the dimension of the given array (if any)

After Change

        subarr = np.array(arr, dtype=dtype, copy=copy).view(cls)

        // We only want numerical datatypes
        if not (np.issubdtype(subarr.dtype, np.number) or
                np.issubdtype(subarr.dtype, np.bool_)):
            raise TypeError("Quantities can only be created from numerical data.")

        // Use the given dimension or the dimension of the given array (if any)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: 2ced93cfa0016beba5f287b553579213f25f8779
Time: 2013-09-09
Author: marcel.stimberg@ens.fr
File Name: brian2/units/fundamentalunits.py
Class Name: Quantity
Method Name: __new__

Project Name: scipy/scipy
Commit Name: ab53323ab20618fc20add36d2ed3da692ef30e39
Time: 2013-09-11
Author: pav@iki.fi
File Name: scipy/sparse/base.py
Class Name: spmatrix
Method Name: _divide

Project Name: scipy/scipy
Commit Name: f37f0949e0cae0a216830549e0b790867c8be539
Time: 2014-01-30
Author: joel.nothman@gmail.com
File Name: scipy/sparse/tests/test_base.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _same_sum_duplicate