Before Change
if state_labels == "auto":
// the first and last element correspond to A and B in ReactiveFlux
n = _np .shape(F)[0]
state_labels = ["A"]
if n > 2:
state_labels += list(str(i - 1) for i in range(1, n - 1))
state_labels += ["B"]
fig = plot.plot_network(
state_sizes=state_sizes, state_scale=state_scale, state_colors=state_colors,
state_labels=state_labels, arrow_scale=arrow_scale, arrow_curvature=arrow_curvature,
After Change
I, J = _np.where(F < minflux)
F[I, J] = 0.0
if isinstance(state_labels, six.string_types) and state_labels == "auto":
// the first and last element correspond to A and B in ReactiveFlux
state_labels = _np.array([str(i) for i in range(flux.nstates)])
state_labels[_np.array(flux.A)] = "A"
state_labels[_np.array(flux.B)] = "B"
elif isinstance(state_labels, (_np.ndarray, list, tuple)):
if len(state_labels) != flux.nstates:
raise ValueError("length of state_labels({}) has to match length of states({})."
.format(len(state_labels), flux.nstates))
fig = plot.plot_network(
state_sizes=state_sizes, state_scale=state_scale, state_colors=state_colors,
state_labels=state_labels, arrow_scale=arrow_scale, arrow_curvature=arrow_curvature,
arrow_labels=arrow_labels, arrow_label_format=arrow_label_format, max_width=max_width,
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 5
Instances Project Name: markovmodel/PyEMMA
Commit Name: 3bdd46a595cc600c8b56c045530d1901639a7b2f
Time: 2017-05-24
Author: m.scherer@fu-berlin.de
File Name: pyemma/plots/networks.py
Class Name:
Method Name: plot_flux
Project Name: stellargraph/stellargraph
Commit Name: 90c4c1e7dc3c3801fa7f62f17cf0ed83215028a5
Time: 2019-01-22
Author: andrew.docherty@data61.csiro.au
File Name: stellargraph/layer/graphsage.py
Class Name: GraphSAGEAggregator
Method Name: call
Project Name: scipy/scipy
Commit Name: dd2c0904a4ba0bf58b0f067a1bbbb7ddb49ba1b8
Time: 2020-02-29
Author: j.m.vleeshouwers@tue.nl
File Name: scipy/optimize/_linprog_util.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _clean_inputs