Before Change
// Build the results object.
grover_results = GroverOptimizationRawResult(operation_count, n_key, n_value, func_dict)
fval = solutions[optimum_key]
if sense == problem_.objective.Sense.MAXIMIZE:
fval = -fval
result = OptimizationResult(x=opt_x, fval=fval, variables=problem.variables,
raw_results={"grover_results": grover_results,
"qubo_converter": copy.deepcopy(
After Change
problem_.objective.linear[i] = -val
for (i, j), val in problem_.objective.quadratic.to_dict().items():
problem_.objective.quadratic[i, j] = -val
self._num_key_qubits = len(problem_.objective.linear.to_array())
// Variables for tracking the optimum.
optimum_found = False
optimum_key = math.inf
optimum_value = math.inf
threshold = 0
n_key = len(problem_.variables)
n_value = self._num_value_qubits
// Variables for tracking the solutions encountered.
num_solutions = 2 ** n_key
keys_measured = []
// Variables for result object.
operation_count = {}
iteration = 0
// Variables for stopping if we"ve hit the rotation max.
rotations = 0
max_rotations = int(np.ceil(100 * np.pi / 4))
// Initialize oracle helper object.
qr_key_value = QuantumRegister(self._num_key_qubits + self._num_value_qubits)
orig_constant = problem_.objective.constant
measurement = not self.quantum_instance.is_statevector
oracle = self._get_oracle(qr_key_value)
while not optimum_found:
m = 1
improvement_found = False

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 5
Project Name: Qiskit/qiskit-aqua
Commit Name: 7735260c7da1eea7afb9dd629ddd17bea9cd8b74
Time: 2020-08-04
Author: jules.gacon@googlemail.com
File Name: qiskit/optimization/algorithms/grover_optimizer.py
Class Name: GroverOptimizer
Method Name: solve
Project Name: elfi-dev/elfi
Commit Name: e3f4b018d3591f239c6d59cc93b895be4c1791fa
Time: 2017-03-31
Author: jarno.lintusaari@aalto.fi
File Name: elfi/methods/methods.py
Class Name: BayesianOptimization
Method Name: update
Project Name: elfi-dev/elfi
Commit Name: 08f049c9fc5fc0f3da5a830de72a583007cdec66
Time: 2017-03-31
Author: jarno.lintusaari@aalto.fi
File Name: elfi/methods/methods.py
Class Name: BayesianOptimization
Method Name: __init__