raise ValueError("label is not in msa, or msa is not indexed")
title.append("label=" + label)
cols = char.isalpha(arr[index])
arr = arr[:, cols]
rows = None
from .analysis import calcMSAOccupancy
if row_occ is not None:
After Change
raise TypeError("row_occ must be a float ({0:s})".format(str(err)))
assert 0. <= row_occ <= 1., "row_occ must be between 0 and 1"
rows = (calcMSAOccupancy(arr, "row") >= row_occ).nonzero()[0]
arr = arr[rows]
title.append("row_occ>=" + str(row_occ))
if col_occ is not None:
col_occ = float(col_occ)
except Exception as err:
raise TypeError("col_occ must be a float ({0:s})".format(str(err)))
assert 0. <= col_occ <= 1., "col_occ must be between 0 and 1"
cols = (calcMSAOccupancy(arr, "col") >= col_occ).nonzero()[0]
arr = arr.take(cols, 1)
title.append("col_occ>=" + str(col_occ))
if not title:
raise ValueError("label, row_occ, col_occ all cannot be None")