
Before Change

            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid mode: {}. Choose from {}.".format(
                    ", ".join(repr(m) for m in _orthogonal_constraints)))
        super(Orthogonal, self).__init__(dtype)

    // TODO(Kenta Oono)

After Change

    This initializer first makes a matrix of the same shape as the
    array to be initialized whose elements are drawn independently from
    standard Gaussian distribution.
    Next, it applies QR decomposition to (the transpose of) the matrix.
    To make the decomposition (almost surely) unique, we require the diagonal
    of the triangular matrix R to be non-negative (see e.g. Edelman & Rao,
    Then, it initializes the array with the (semi-)orthogonal matrix Q.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: chainer/chainer
Commit Name: 2899d98932b6accd19d3d46a46cf6c720e9fb5f6
Time: 2019-09-04
Author: nc.jky0@gmail.com
File Name: chainer/initializers/orthogonal.py
Class Name: Orthogonal
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: sony/nnabla
Commit Name: 699ce9a0d6e19852f5d6171f86265b718bc860f8
Time: 2021-03-01
Author: woody.li@sony.com
File Name: python/src/nnabla/utils/nnp_graph.py
Class Name: NnpLoader
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: GPflow/GPflow
Commit Name: 3a713e8350351d127d4296f44e4a62521a26b11e
Time: 2017-03-07
Author: alexggmatthews@googlemail.com
File Name: testing/test_mean_functions.py
Class Name: TestMeanFuncs
Method Name: setUp