
Before Change

                self.parse_convolution(layer, attributes)

            if layer_type in {"Dense", "Conv2D"}:
                if self.config.getboolean("cell", "binarize_weights"):
                    print("Binarizing weights.")
                    attributes["parameters"] = \

                self.absorb_activation(layer, attributes)

            if "Pooling" in layer_type:
                self.parse_pooling(layer, attributes)

After Change

            if layer_type in {"Dense", "Conv2D"}:
                weights, bias = attributes["parameters"]
                if self.config.getboolean("cell", "binarize_weights"):
                    from snntoolbox.utils.utils import binarize
                    print("Binarizing weights.")
                    weights = binarize(weights)
                elif self.config.getboolean("cell", "quantize_weights"):
                    assert "Qm.f" in attributes, \
                        "In the [cell] section of the configuration file, "\
                        ""quantize_weights" was set to True. For this to " \
                        "work, the layer needs to specify the fixed point " \
                        "number format "Qm.f"."
                    from snntoolbox.utils.utils import reduce_precision
                    m, f = attributes.get("Qm.f")
                    print("Quantizing weights to Q{}.{}.".format(m, f))
                    weights = reduce_precision(weights, m, f)
                    if attributes.get("quantize_bias", False):
                        bias = reduce_precision(bias, m, f)
                attributes["parameters"] = (weights, bias)
                // These attributes are not needed any longer and would not be
                // understood by Keras when building the parsed model.
                attributes.pop("quantize_bias", None)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: NeuromorphicProcessorProject/snn_toolbox
Commit Name: 9c0d9880e9cc99bbe3522a3e4dbd051452b5d4ed
Time: 2017-07-10
Author: bodo.rueckauer@gmail.com
File Name: snntoolbox/parsing/utils.py
Class Name: AbstractModelParser
Method Name: parse

Project Name: ilastik/ilastik
Commit Name: a56077ccaaccab72728d1254895ddb6104361f27
Time: 2013-04-10
Author: ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
File Name: ilastik/applets/dataSelection/dataSelectionGui.py
Class Name: DataSelectionGui
Method Name: getImageFileNamesToOpen

Project Name: ilastik/ilastik
Commit Name: a56077ccaaccab72728d1254895ddb6104361f27
Time: 2013-04-10
Author: ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
File Name: ilastik/applets/base/appletSerializer.py
Class Name: AppletSerializer
Method Name: repairFile