Before Change
gp (mean, s2, s) at x : (float, float, float)
if self.gp is None:
// TODO: return from GP prior
return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
m, s2 = self.gp.predict(np.atleast_2d(x))
return m, s2, np.sqrt(s2)
def eval_mean(self, x):
Returns the GP model mean function at x.
After Change
var : np.array
with shape (len(x), input_dim)
if self._gp is None:
// TODO: return from GP mean function if given
return np.zeros(len(x), self.input_dim), \
np.ones(len(x), self.input_dim)
// Need to cast as 2d array for gpy
x = x.reshape((-1, self.input_dim))
return self._gp.predict(x)
def evaluate_mean(self, x):

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 5
Project Name: elfi-dev/elfi
Commit Name: 55bd09be272701797abcf9e549fffe8b0311e387
Time: 2017-03-28
Author: jarno.lintusaari@aalto.fi
File Name: elfi/bo/gpy_model.py
Class Name: GPyRegression
Method Name: evaluate
Project Name: ufal/npfl114
Commit Name: 65869e202012462ad86ccd71e841bdf3f406e685
Time: 2019-03-20
Author: milan@strakovi.com
File Name: labs/02/gym_cartpole_evaluate.py
Class Name:
Method Name:
Project Name: IndicoDataSolutions/finetune
Commit Name: 3ce15cf0b1b83503d0a35a0077cb93322c2cc710
Time: 2018-11-13
Author: madison@indico.io
File Name: finetune/base.py
Class Name: BaseModel
Method Name: _inference