
Before Change

    loop.run_until_complete(interactive._undo_latest(sender_id, mock_endpoint))

    b = httpretty.latest_requests[-1].body.decode("utf-8")

    // this should be the events the interactive call send to the endpoint
    // these events should have the last utterance omitted
    replaced_evts = json.loads(b)
    assert len(replaced_evts) == 6
    assert replaced_evts == evts[:6]

After Change

        mock_endpoint.url, sender_id)
    replace_url = "{}/conversations/{}/tracker/events".format(
        mock_endpoint.url, sender_id)
    with aioresponses() as mocked:
        mocked.get(url, body=tracker_dump)

            interactive._undo_latest(sender_id, mock_endpoint))

        r = latest_request(mocked, "put", replace_url)

        assert r

        // this should be the events the interactive call send to the endpoint
        // these events should have the last utterance omitted
        replaced_evts = json_of_latest_request(r)
        assert len(replaced_evts) == 6
        assert replaced_evts == evts[:6]

def test_utter_custom_message():
    test_event = 
      "data": {
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 6

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: RasaHQ/rasa
Commit Name: 87826c4ccb971911752adbc4bdac8d3e7c28989e
Time: 2019-01-21
Author: tom@rasa.com
File Name: tests/test_interactive.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_undo_latest_msg

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Time: 2020-09-24
Author: hain@chatopera.com
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Class Name: IDFLoader
Method Name: set_new_path

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Time: 2016-11-24
Author: ales.erjavec@fri.uni-lj.si
File Name: Orange/widgets/data/owpythonscript.py
Class Name: OWPythonScript
Method Name: onAddScriptFromFile

Project Name: scikit-image/scikit-image
Commit Name: ddfac3e42d2ae2e09751de6638d813c76e30ff94
Time: 2018-12-04
Author: mark.harfouche@gmail.com
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Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: tensorflow/datasets
Commit Name: c28a63fa9d9fb9ba3cced7052ea243e8884f9bf1
Time: 2019-11-21
Author: supertux90@googlemail.com
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Project Name: RasaHQ/rasa
Commit Name: 87826c4ccb971911752adbc4bdac8d3e7c28989e
Time: 2019-01-21
Author: tom@rasa.com
File Name: tests/test_interactive.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_send_message