
Before Change

        score = dict()
        if task_type in REGRESSION_TASKS:
            // TODO put this into the regression metric itself
            prediction = sanitize_array(prediction)

        for metric_ in get_all_known_metrics(task_type):
            score[metric_.name] = metric_.calculate_score(solution, prediction)

        if task_type in REGRESSION_TASKS:
            // TODO put this into the regression metric itself
            prediction = sanitize_array(prediction)

After Change

        score = dict()
        if task_type in REGRESSION_TASKS:
            // TODO put this into the regression metric itself
            cprediction = sanitize_array(prediction)
            for metric_ in REGRESSION_METRICS:
                score[metric_] = regression_metrics.calculate_score(
                    metric_, solution, cprediction)

            for metric_ in CLASSIFICATION_METRICS:
                score[metric_] = classification_metrics.calculate_score(
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: automl/auto-sklearn
Commit Name: 43762a5f340f1d9a202e8deb6f6c57673269c8ce
Time: 2017-02-14
Author: feurerm@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
File Name: autosklearn/evaluation/util.py
Class Name:
Method Name: calculate_score

Project Name: automl/auto-sklearn
Commit Name: 06b801033943e72755612117f276751f2ae4d5dc
Time: 2016-03-22
Author: a.domashnev@gmail.com
File Name: autosklearn/evaluation/util.py
Class Name:
Method Name: calculate_score

Project Name: automl/auto-sklearn
Commit Name: 97c4e00748438fca8058d48f515bafb1ce91ea93
Time: 2014-12-22
Author: feurerm@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
File Name: AutoML2015/models/evaluate.py
Class Name:
Method Name: evaluate