
Before Change

    buckets = self._get_buckets_callable(summary)

    if not self._include_max_and_min:
      // If always_return_num_quantiles is set to True, the number of elements in
      // buckets is always equal to num_quantiles + 1. Hence we trim the min and
      // max quantile boundaries to return the internal boundaries.
      if self._always_return_num_quantiles:
        buckets = buckets[1:-1]
      // If always_return_num_quantiles is set to False, the approximate quantile
      // library can return less or more than requested number of quantiles.
      // The max value can be same as the last internal boundary, due to removal
      // of duplicates. Below, the min and/or max quantile boundaries are trimmed
      // depending on the actual boundaries returned by the library.
      elif buckets.size >= (self._num_quantiles + 1):
        // Trim min/max.
        buckets = buckets[1:-1]
      elif buckets.size == self._num_quantiles:
        buckets = buckets[1:]
        // Do not trim min/max, these are part of requested boundaries.

    return [buckets]

  def output_tensor_infos(self):
    return [

After Change

      return buckets

    if not self._include_max_and_min:
      bucket_lists = list(map(prune_buckets, bucket_lists))

    return [np.reshape(np.stack(bucket_lists, axis=0), output_shape)]

  def output_tensor_infos(self):
    return [
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: tensorflow/transform
Commit Name: d7a7dd6fe7106f6501e9995a92153f65238bbb47
Time: 2019-06-21
Author: tf-transform-dev@google.com
File Name: tensorflow_transform/analyzers.py
Class Name: QuantilesCombiner
Method Name: extract_output

Project Name: tensorflow/tpu
Commit Name: 9de6656a779e73ac61995bd87044af21b3f37951
Time: 2018-04-19
Author: frankchn@google.com
File Name: models/experimental/amoeba_net/amoeba_net_model.py
Class Name: InputPipeline
Method Name: input_fn

Project Name: tensorflow/models
Commit Name: 54a5a577d06acce4d13aa8d564c85e8d57ac00e7
Time: 2018-09-29
Author: joelshor@google.com
File Name: research/gan/cyclegan/data_provider.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _provide_custom_dataset