Before Change
current_tag, next_tag = tags[i], tags[i+1]
// The scores for transitioning from current_tag to next_tag
transition_score = (
// Choose the current_tag-th row for each input
.gather(1, current_tag.view(batch_size, 1, 1).expand(batch_size, 1, num_tags))
// Squeeze down to (batch_size, num_tags)
// Then choose the next_tag-th column for each of those
.gather(1, next_tag.view(batch_size, 1))
// And squeeze down to (batch_size,)
// The score for using current_tag
emit_score = logits[i].gather(1, current_tag.view(batch_size, 1)).squeeze(1)
After Change
current_tag, next_tag = tags[i], tags[i+1]
// The scores for transitioning from current_tag to next_tag
transition_score = self.transitions[current_tag.view(-1), next_tag.view(-1)]
// The score for using current_tag
emit_score = logits[i].gather(1, current_tag.view(batch_size, 1)).squeeze(1)

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 5
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