
Before Change

                .format(row_id_attribute, [attr[0] for attr in attributes_])

    data = data.values if hasattr(data, "columns") else data

    if format is not None:
        warn("The format parameter will be deprecated in the future,"
             " the method will determine the format of the ARFF "

After Change


    if hasattr(data, "columns"):
        if isinstance(data, pd.SparseDataFrame):
            data = data.to_coo()
            // liac-arff only support COO matrices with sorted rows
            row_idx_sorted = np.argsort(data.row)
            data.row = data.row[row_idx_sorted]
            data.col = data.col[row_idx_sorted]
            data.data = data.data[row_idx_sorted]
            data = data.values

    if format is not None:
        warn("The format parameter will be deprecated in the future,"
             " the method will determine the format of the ARFF "
             "based on the given data.", DeprecationWarning)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: openml/openml-python
Commit Name: b9035c44ce785f7c6231115ef3c756e79aaeede8
Time: 2018-11-16
Author: g.lemaitre58@gmail.com
File Name: openml/datasets/functions.py
Class Name:
Method Name: create_dataset

Project Name: nilearn/nilearn
Commit Name: 6164294177c34f257dbd354cf97d643597255a0d
Time: 2013-06-12
Author: abraham.alexandre@gmail.com
File Name: nisl/decomposition/canica.py
Class Name: CanICA
Method Name: fit

Project Name: WZBSocialScienceCenter/tmtoolkit
Commit Name: 8c8417497aff9741449d9bd3681cad6aea06283a
Time: 2019-06-19
Author: markus.konrad@wzb.eu
File Name: tmtoolkit/preprocess/_tmpreproc.py
Class Name: TMPreproc
Method Name: get_dtm