
Before Change

        // default algorithm to arpack until we decide that ranomized is preferred
        svd_algorithm = "NONE" if quant_sf_only else "ARPACK"
        if options["svd_algorithm"] in ["ARPACK", "RANDOMIZED", "NONE"]:
            svd_algorithm = options["svd_algorithm"]

        logger.debug("Generating compendia for organisms", organisms=all_organisms)

        job_pipeline = ProcessorPipeline.CREATE_QUANTPENDIA if quant_sf_only else ProcessorPipeline.CREATE_COMPENDIA

After Change

        svd_algorithm = "ARPACK" // default algorithm to arpack until we decide that ranomized is preferred
        svd_algorithm_choices = ["ARPACK", "RANDOMIZED", "NONE"]
        if options["svd_algorithm"] and options["svd_algorithm"] not in svd_algorithm_choices:
            raise Exception("Invalid svd_algorithm option provided. Possible values are " + str(svd_algorithm_choices))
            svd_algorithm = options["svd_algorithm"]

        // only include organisms with QN targets. We"ll merge groups later.
        all_organisms = Organism.objects.all().filter(qn_target__isnull=False)
        if options["organisms"] is None:
            all_organisms = all_organisms.exclude(name__in=["HOMO_SAPIENS", "MUS_MUSCULUS"])
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: AlexsLemonade/refinebio
Commit Name: 59345529cf7663dc4e2b491c483ca47dd50567a4
Time: 2019-11-06
Author: arielsvn@gmail.com
File Name: foreman/data_refinery_foreman/foreman/management/commands/create_compendia.py
Class Name: Command
Method Name: handle

Project Name: AlexsLemonade/refinebio
Commit Name: 39474c5cf747f9eae1f06b23d8b89e80510dfed3
Time: 2019-11-18
Author: arielsvn@gmail.com
File Name: foreman/data_refinery_foreman/foreman/management/commands/create_compendia.py
Class Name: Command
Method Name: handle

Project Name: facebook/FAI-PEP
Commit Name: 900973098c6b520cdae50b3c38c7edb8331a5143
Time: 2019-06-06
Author: huaminli@fb.com
File Name: benchmarking/run_remote.py
Class Name: RunRemote
Method Name: _uploadFile