Before Change
raise TypeError("cutoff_time times must be datetime type: try casting via pd.to_datetime(cutoff_time["time"])")
assert (cutoff_time[["instance_id", "time"]].duplicated().sum() == 0), \
"Duplicated rows in cutoff time dataframe."
pass_columns = [column_name for column_name in cutoff_time.columns[2:]]
if _check_time_type(cutoff_time["time"].iloc[0]) is None:
raise ValueError("cutoff_time time values must be datetime or numeric")
After Change
if "instance_id" in cutoff_time.columns and target_entity.index in cutoff_time.columns:
raise AttributeError("Cutoff time DataFrame cannot contain both a column named "instance_id" and a column"
" with the same name as the target entity index")
if "time" in cutoff_time.columns and target_entity.time_index in cutoff_time.columns:
raise AttributeError("Cutoff time DataFrame cannot contain both a column named "time" and a column"
" with the same name as the target entity time index")
// Check that cutoff_time time type matches entityset time type
if entityset.time_type == NumericTimeIndex:
if cutoff_time["time"].dtype.name not in PandasTypes._pandas_numerics:
raise TypeError("cutoff_time times must be numeric: try casting "
"via pd.to_numeric(cutoff_time["time"])")
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 5
Instances Project Name: Featuretools/featuretools
Commit Name: 88429bfe56ad2103df596ae2c2c982eafdad32a3
Time: 2020-05-20
Author: 4307001+thehomebrewnerd@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: featuretools/computational_backends/calculate_feature_matrix.py
Class Name:
Method Name: calculate_feature_matrix
Project Name: aws/sagemaker-python-sdk
Commit Name: 997720644500d3cc822c210b92d72c82b442d183
Time: 2020-06-11
Author: 65414824+metrizable@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: src/sagemaker/sklearn/model.py
Class Name: SKLearnModel
Method Name: __init__
Project Name: aws/sagemaker-python-sdk
Commit Name: 997720644500d3cc822c210b92d72c82b442d183
Time: 2020-06-11
Author: 65414824+metrizable@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: src/sagemaker/sklearn/estimator.py
Class Name: SKLearn
Method Name: __init__