
Before Change


// Set the random seed, for consistency simulating data


// General setting for simulations
fs = 1000
n_seconds = 5

// Generate a times vector, for plotting
times = create_times(n_seconds, fs)

// 1. Bandpass filter
// ------------------
// Extract signal within a specific frequency range (e.g. theta, 4-8 Hz).


// Set the frequency in our simulated signal
freq = 6

// Set up simulation for a signal with an oscillaton + noise
components = {"sim_powerlaw" : {"exponent" : 0},
              "sim_oscillation" : {"freq" : 6}}
variances = [0.1, 1]

// Simulate our signal
sig = sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components, variances)


// Define a frequency range to filter the data
f_range = (4, 8)

// Bandpass filter the data, across the band of interest
sig_filt = filter_signal(sig, fs, "bandpass", f_range)


// Plot filtered signal
plot_time_series(times, [sig, sig_filt], ["Raw", "Filtered"])

// Notice that the edges of the filtered signal are clipped (no red).
// Edge artifact removal is done by default in NeuroDSP filtering, because
// the signal samples at the edges only experienced part of the filter.
// To bypass this feature, set `remove_edges=False`, but at your own risk!

// 2. Highpass, lowpass, and bandstop filters
// ------------------------------------------
// 2a. Highpass filter
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Remove low frequency drift from the data.


// Settings for the rhythmic components in the data
freq1 = 3
freq2 = 0.5

// Set up simulation for a signal with an oscillaton + noise + low frequency activity
components = {"sim_powerlaw" : {"exponent" : 0},
              "sim_oscillation" : [{"freq" : freq1}, {"freq" : freq2}]}
variances = [0.1, 1, 1]

// Generate a signal including low-frequency activty
sig = sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components, variances)


// Filter the data
f_range = (2, None)
sig_filt = filter_signal(sig, fs, "highpass", f_range)


// Plot filtered signal
plot_time_series(times, [sig, sig_filt], ["Raw", "Filtered"])

// 2b. Lowpass filter
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Remove high frequency activity from the data.


// Filter the data
f_range = (None, 20)
sig_filt = filter_signal(sig, fs, "lowpass", f_range)


// Plot filtered signal
plot_time_series(times, [sig, sig_filt], ["Raw", "Filtered"])

// 2c. Bandstop filter
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Next let"s try a bandstop filter, for the example use case of removing 60Hz noise from data.
// Notice that it is necessary to set a non-default filter length because
// a filter of length 3 cycles of a 58Hz oscillation would not attenuate
// the 60Hz oscillation much (try this yourself!).


// Generate a signal, with a low frequency oscillation and 60 Hz line noise
components = {"sim_oscillation" : [{"freq" : 6}, {"freq" : 60}]}
variances = [1, 0.2]
sig = sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components, variances)


// Filter the data
f_range = (58, 62)
sig_filt = filter_signal(sig, fs, "bandstop", f_range, n_seconds=0.5)


// Plot filtered signal
plot_time_series(times, [sig, sig_filt], ["Raw", "Filtered"])

// You might sometimes see a user warning that warns about the level of attenuation.
// You will see this warning whenever the filter you construct has a frequency response does
// not hit a certain level of attenuation in the stopband. By default, if it does not go below 20dB.
// You can check filter properties by plotting the frequency response when you apply a filter.


// Apply a short filter. In this case, we won"t achieve our desired attenuation
sig_filt = filter_signal(sig, fs, "bandstop", f_range, n_seconds=0.25, plot_properties=True)


// This user warning disappears if we elongate the filter
sig_filt = filter_signal(sig, fs, "bandstop", f_range, n_seconds=1, plot_properties=True)

// 3. Time-frequency resolution trade off
// --------------------------------------
// With longer filter kernels, we get improved frequency resolution,
// but worse time resolution.
// Two bandpass filters (one long and one short)
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Notice that the short filter preserves the start of the oscillation better than the
// long filter (i.e. better time resolution).
// Notice that the long filter correctly removed the 1Hz oscillation, but the short filter
// did not (i.e. better frequency resolution).


// Reset simulation settings for this example
fs = 100
n_seconds = 3
times = create_times(n_seconds, fs)

// Generate a signal with an oscillation, noise, and a low frequency oscillation
components = {"sim_powerlaw" : {"exponent" : 0},
              "sim_oscillation" : [{"freq" : 6}, {"freq" : 1}]}
variances = [0.1, 1, 1]
sig = sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components, variances)

// Set the first second to 0
sig[:fs] = 0


// Define the frequency band of interest
f_range = (4, 8)

// Filter the data
sig_filt_short = filter_signal(sig, fs, "bandpass", f_range, n_seconds=.1)
sig_filt_long = filter_signal(sig, fs, "bandpass", f_range, n_seconds=1)


// Plot filtered signal
plot_time_series(times, [sig, sig_filt_short, sig_filt_long],
                 ["Raw", "Short Filter", "Long Filter"])


// Visualize the kernels and frequency responses
print("Short filter")
sig_filt_short = filter_signal(sig, fs, "bandpass", f_range, n_seconds=.1,
print("\n\nLong filter")
sig_filt_long = filter_signal(sig, fs, "bandpass", f_range, n_seconds=1,

// 4. Infinite impulse response (IIR) filter option
// ------------------------------------------------
// So far, the filters that we"ve been using are finite impulse response (FIR) filters.
// These filters are nice because we have good control over their properties,
// by manipulating the time-frequency resolution trade off through the filter length.
// However, sometimes we may not be as concerned with the precise filter properties,
// and so there is a faster option: IIR filters.
// We often use these filters when removing 60 Hz line noise.
// Here we apply a 3rd order butterworth filter to remove 60Hz noise.
// Notice that some edge artifacts remain.


// Reset simulation settings
n_seconds = 1
fs = 1000
times = create_times(n_seconds, fs)

// Generate a signal, with a low frequency oscillation and 60 Hz line noise
components = {"sim_oscillation" : [{"freq" : 6}, {"freq" : 60}]}
variances = [1, 0.2]
sig = sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components, variances)


// Filter the data
f_range = (58, 62)
sig_filt = filter_signal(sig, fs, "bandstop", f_range,
                         filter_type="iir", butterworth_order=3)


// Plot filtered signal
plot_time_series(times, [sig, sig_filt], ["Raw", "Filtered"])

// 5. Beta bandpass filter on neural signal
// ----------------------------------------


// Generate a signal with a low-frequency drift
sig = np.load("../data/sample_data_1.npy")
fs = 1000
times = create_times(len(sig)/fs, fs)


After Change


// Set the random seed, for consistency simulating data


// General setting for simulations
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: neurodsp-tools/neurodsp
Commit Name: ce469942f620c2e07560d865dad49dcc93071cc0
Time: 2020-03-17
Author: tdonoghue@ucsd.edu
File Name: tutorials/filt/plot_Filtering.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: neurodsp-tools/neurodsp
Commit Name: ce469942f620c2e07560d865dad49dcc93071cc0
Time: 2020-03-17
Author: tdonoghue@ucsd.edu
File Name: tutorials/rhythm/plot_SlidingWindowMatching.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: neurodsp-tools/neurodsp
Commit Name: ce469942f620c2e07560d865dad49dcc93071cc0
Time: 2020-03-17
Author: tdonoghue@ucsd.edu
File Name: tutorials/rhythm/plot_LaggedCoherence.py
Class Name:
Method Name: