
Before Change

    // Parse the fetched records to input tensors for model function.
    dataset = dataset.map(_dataset_parser, num_parallel_calls=64)
    dataset = dataset.prefetch(batch_size)
    dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=True)

    def _process_example(images, score_targets, box_targets, source_ids,
                         image_info, boxes, is_crowds, areas, classes,
      Processes one batch of data.
      // Transposes images for TPU performance.
      // Given the batch size, the batch dimesion (N) goes to either the minor
      // ((H, W, C, N) when N > C) or the second-minor ((H, W, N, C) when N < C)
      // dimension. Here, we assume N is 4 or 8 and C is 3, so we use
      // (H, W, C, N).
      if (params["transpose_input"] and
          self._mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN):
        images = tf.transpose(images, [1, 2, 3, 0])

      labels = {}
      for level in range(params["min_level"], params["max_level"] + 1):
        labels["score_targets_%d" % level] = score_targets[level]
        labels["box_targets_%d" % level] = box_targets[level]
      // Concatenate groundtruth annotations to a tensor.
      groundtruth_data = tf.concat([boxes, is_crowds, areas, classes], axis=2)
      labels["source_ids"] = source_ids
      labels["groundtruth_data"] = groundtruth_data
      labels["image_info"] = image_info
      labels["cropped_gt_masks"] = cropped_gt_masks
      if self._mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT:
        features = dict(
        return features
        return images, labels

    dataset = dataset.map(_process_example)
    dataset = dataset.prefetch(tf.contrib.data.AUTOTUNE)

    if self._num_examples > 0:
      dataset = dataset.take(self._num_examples)

After Change

      dataset = dataset.shuffle(64)

    // Parse the fetched records to input tensors for model function.
    dataset = dataset.apply(
            _dataset_parser, batch_size=batch_size,
            num_parallel_batches=64, drop_remainder=True))

    // Transposes images for TPU performance.
    // Given the batch size, the batch dimesion (N) goes to either the minor
    // ((H, W, C, N) when N > C) or the second-minor ((H, W, N, C) when N < C)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: tensorflow/tpu
Commit Name: 2feab9beb8c59f05ca2e1938f484b6bce638af47
Time: 2019-01-22
Author: frankchn@google.com
File Name: models/experimental/mask_rcnn/dataloader.py
Class Name: InputReader
Method Name: __call__

Project Name: tensorflow/benchmarks
Commit Name: dcbb03bc8454537b7f79955ec4dbbeb2c51afe74
Time: 2018-09-11
Author: haoyuzhang@google.com
File Name: scripts/tf_cnn_benchmarks/ssd_dataloader.py
Class Name: SSDInputReader
Method Name: __call__

Project Name: google/deepvariant
Commit Name: 66d19dc2674995c96f66b65339ae5fdcd65c2b68
Time: 2019-03-28
Author: mdepristo@google.com
File Name: deepvariant/data_providers.py
Class Name: DeepVariantInput
Method Name: __call__