
Before Change

    atoms_per_mol = [mol.get_num_atoms() for mol in mols]

    // Get atoms by degree
    atoms_by_deg = [
        for deg in range(min_deg, max_deg + 1)
        for mol in mols

    // stack the atoms
    all_atoms = np.vstack(atoms_by_deg)

    // Sort all atoms by degree.
    // Get the size of each atom list separated by molecule id, then by degree
    mol_deg_sz = [[mol.get_num_atoms_with_deg(deg)

After Change

    // Get atoms by degree
    atoms_by_deg = np.concatenate([x.atom_features for x in mols])
    degree_vector = np.concatenate([x.degree_list for x in mols], axis=0)
    all_atoms = atoms_by_deg[degree_vector.argsort(kind="mergesort")]

    // Sort all atoms by degree.
    // Get the size of each atom list separated by molecule id, then by degree
    mol_deg_sz = [[mol.get_num_atoms_with_deg(deg)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: deepchem/deepchem
Commit Name: 5add5bac13b6843bd1d1fd330b4f8cf349529f77
Time: 2018-07-31
Author: lilleswing@gmail.com
File Name: deepchem/feat/mol_graphs.py
Class Name: ConvMol
Method Name: agglomerate_mols

Project Name: Pinafore/qb
Commit Name: e79449afe45f4da6f1756a7d92bdd3cd6618c638
Time: 2018-04-25
Author: sjtufs@gmail.com
File Name: qanta/guesser/dan.py
Class Name: DanGuesser
Method Name: _guess_batch

Project Name: WZBSocialScienceCenter/tmtoolkit
Commit Name: 8c8417497aff9741449d9bd3681cad6aea06283a
Time: 2019-06-19
Author: markus.konrad@wzb.eu
File Name: tmtoolkit/preprocess/_tmpreproc.py
Class Name: TMPreproc
Method Name: get_dtm

Project Name: maxpumperla/deep_learning_and_the_game_of_go
Commit Name: a17ac3677d207e04a53ed70fa971fbf436c0266f
Time: 2020-04-08
Author: 41198454+JingOY0610@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: code/dlgo/agent/alphago.py
Class Name: AlphaGoMCTS
Method Name: policy_rollout